Wednesday, January 24, 2007

first post . . .

I don't know what to write in here, I guess it just has to relate to art in some way. The only thing I can think of right now is a conversation I had with a old friend of mine couple days ago. He is currently going to UCI and majoring in some type of medical field which is pretty opposite from what I am doing in art. We started talking about a trip he took to Chicago and the how he visited the art institute of Chicago and how he was amazed by the library, especially the art in the library. He showed me some pictures of original paintings and he really seemed in awe by the reality of pictures he's seen his whole life in books and monitors. After the conversation, I thought it was weird that usually all friends and strangers alike react in a demeaning way when they find out what I'm majoring in, yet all of them are amazed by what we produce. I almost imagine they assume I color in little coloring books and draw little flowers when in reality, we produce some incredible things that sometimes speaks their own language.
(I cant get the link to work so i just copied and pasted the sites url)
I found this site very usefull for just about anytype of art, check out some of their sample clips.